Marian Bayer: "Paintings and Messages from Spirit"

Interview with Marian Bayer:
Paintings and Messages from Spirit
by Theresa Nygard

Who would think that a teaching fellow at Harvard University, with two master’s degrees, who has held executive managements positions in corporations and government around the world, would be in yoga class and receiving visits from friendly spirits?  That’s Marian Bayer’s experience:  “I'd be trying to do a pose, and someone would come and push me over and and I would hear a giggle.” Bewildered, she would look around, and seeing no one near, would realize a playful spirit was visiting. “I would say, 'Okay that's funny. I know you’re here. Thanks, but let me do my yoga practice.'”

Since that time Marian has developed her abilities, and now communicates with a group of beings in spirit called “The Famous 8,” a group of spirits consisting of a doctor, a professor, an angel, a mother, a protector, a philosopher, a comedian and an artist. The messages and paintings they share with us are intended to help mankind. “Painting with the spirits really came about one evening when in a meditation group with James Van Praagh. I had the good fortune of sitting right next to James during the meditation. As we shared what came through to us, I had no idea that what James would say next would change my life forever. He looked at me and said, 'Spirit says, keep painting.'”

Since then, Marian has gotten to know the eight spirits as individuals, just like us, and they have pushed her to grow beyond her limits. “It's an amazing group and I'm very honored to work with them. They really encourage me; they give me confidence and faith. They ask me to stretch my medium abilities, and push me to grow beyond my private nature. I just think it's such an honor to have this connection with them and to support the work that they're trying to do.” They look to Marian to help share their wonderful messages. For example, Mother Spirit says, “Don’t let words, especially your own, bring your down.”

Marian says that when she does readings, “You would think that people would want to talk to their mother or a loved one who's passed, but many people come to me wanting to talk to their guides.” Realizing so many people want to know more about spirit guides in general and develop a closer connection with their guides, Marian now offers a workshop on connecting with your spirit guides. What she enjoys most about teaching is creating a genuine safe, open conversation so people can ask what's been on their mind and feel comfortable exploring their questions.

Part of the information the spirits want her to communicate is how spirit guides work: Why spirits choose to be spirit guides; what they have to do to become a guide; how the guides learn to offer support in a way that a person will accept the information, rather than dismiss it or be afraid of it.

“A spirit has to train and study hard to become a spirit guide. It is not easy work to be a guide. There are special skills they learn like lowering their vibration, they practice how to reach us, and they have to prove themselves.” The Professor, one of the spirit beings in The Famous 8, teaches at a university on a spiritual plane: “It's a two-year program in our terms of time. Sometimes I set the intention that I'm going to go meet up with the Professor, and I arrive in his classroom. Occasionally I'm even the guest lecturer there and we will have a question-and-answer session, just like here when I teach a class. I see the student spirits there, and to me it's just as real as this room – I can see what the classroom looks like, what the different spirits look like, what they're wearing, their personalities, and I interact with them just like I do with the students in my class. So I'm doing in the spirit world the same thing I'm doing here – I help bridge the worlds.”

For Marian, painting is another way she bridges the worlds. About 15 years ago she took up oil painting. “I never took any lessons; I just dabbled in it for relaxation. Several times while I was painting I could feel where I went to a different dimension, and it was like someone else was painting through me. It was just so automatic; it felt so loving and comforting, nurturing and nourishing. Now I get the feeling to paint, or a spirit is nudging me, asking me to paint. I never know what's going to show up on the canvas, but the spirit painting gives me a feeling or tells me what colors to use. I just hold the canvas and paint with my fingers, turning the canvas and paint some more, then eventually the images show up.”

Oftentimes Marian will paint for the purpose of healing or shifting the energy of a spirit that comes to her. Once a man in spirit came to her to paint. “He was crying and very upset. His three year old daughter had passed away while he was alive, and he never got over it – even as he went into spirit, he still carried that grief with him. So through me he painted a painting for Penelope, his daughter. When we finished I could feel his energy shift and some of that grief release for him. That helped him move on in his journey. When I do a painting like that, for me it's like art therapy for spirit.” Other times, a spirit will come through to paint and give a message for a particular person.

In addition to private sittings to allow Spirit to create paintings for people, Marian does readings as a medium, she offers energy healing sessions, and she volunteers in Echo Bodine’s remote healing program. “My whole life I knew I was supposed to use my gifts to help others. My work was meaningful, but now pales in comparison to my work as a medium and my connection with The Famous 8, channeling their paintings and messages. Helping someone connect with their spirit guides or loved ones who have crossed over is the most important work I will ever do.”

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Marian Bayer can be contacted at, or 952-221-1204, or visit her website at